How To Work Effectively Across Time Zones

Working across time zones is becoming more and more common as people continue to work from various locations worldwide. Remote work has become the biggest draw for top talent. The diversity this brings comes with new ideas, different points of view, and a range of benefits to companies. Companies must change the traditional way of doing things to succeed when working across time zones.

This post will discuss some of the best practices to communicate effectively and maintain productivity across time zones to maximize the benefits listed above.

Working across time zones

It’s now normal for people to work from all different locations worldwide. The availability of technology that allows people to stay connected and collaborate from anywhere has allowed for the proliferation of remote work. One of the most significant advantages of working across time zones is the diversity it brings to teams. When people from different parts of the world come together to work on a project, they bring their unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.

This diversity can spark new ideas and inspire creativity as team members bring different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making.   In addition to fostering creativity, diversity also gives teams other points of view that can help them see problems and opportunities from different angles. This can lead to more robust and well-rounded solutions and a better understanding of serving a diverse customer base.  

The best ways to manage work across time zones maximize the benefits while addressing the challenges that remote work and separate time zones bring.

Best practices

Working across time zones can present several challenges, but with the right approach and some best practices in place, it is possible to overcome these challenges and succeed in this type of work environment. This starts by focusing on three overarching best practices for managing remote work teams:

  • Connect efficiently: It’s vital to leverage technology and tools that allow seamless communication and collaboration when working across time zones. This might include chat apps, video conferencing software, and shared documents.
  • Communicate effectively: Effective communication is critical when working across time zones. Take the time to plan for and discuss what is and isn’t working, and establish best practices for ensuring that all team members have the information they need.
  • Collaborate elegantly: Collaborating when working across time zones requires building trust and fostering a positive and productive work environment. Organizations can achieve seamless collaboration by focusing on outcomes and productivity, clear policies, roadmap, and mission statement, and a commitment to respect, empathy, and inclusion.

Five tips to help you succeed

Understanding the best practices is only the first step. Once understood, you must put them into place. The following tips will help your company work more efficiently across time zones.

1. Understand time differences and accommodate as much as possible

Time differences can be a significant challenge when working in disparate locations. As such, it’s essential to understand the time differences and do what you can to accommodate them. Focus on scheduling meetings at times convenient for all team members or permitting them to work at times most comfortable for them.

Often, there is no time that’s convenient for all team members. The time zone differences simply don’t allow for it. When this case arises, it’s essential to try and mix up who gets inconvenienced. Nobody should feel as though they’re always getting the short end of the stick when they can avoid it.

2. Record and keep an archive of meetings

Video meetings have made it easy to connect with everyone around the world. But there will likely come a time when an organizer can’t schedule a meeting at a time everyone can attend. Those who miss the appointment will miss a significant opportunity to contribute to the team’s efforts. But they shouldn’t have to miss out entirely. For team members who can’t make it to a meeting due to time zone differences, it can be helpful to record the session and keep an archive of it. 

These recordings will be most helpful if everyone has easy access to them. The easiest way for a company to do this is to create a shared document on a service like Google Drive that links to all the recordings of all the team’s meetings. If your company is using specialized project management software, it may also have a convenient place to link to these recordings.

Related: Best Practices for Effective Video Meetings

3. Embrace technology and mobility

Embracing technology and mobility can be critical in helping teams work effectively across time zones. In today’s world, remote work makes sense. With high-speed internet, powerful laptops, and a range of collaboration and communication tools, teams can work together just as effectively from different locations as they would if they were all in the same office.

One of the ways that teams can leverage technology to work across time zones is by using chat apps and collaboration software. Chat apps such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat allow team members to communicate in real time, regardless of location. Collaboration and project management software such as Google Docs, Asana, and Trello enables teams to work on projects and documents together at different times, with the ability to see and track each other’s progress. 

Using these tools can help keep global employees on the same page and ensure everyone has the information they need to do their jobs. For example, if one team member is working on a project in a different time zone and has a question, they may use the chat app to connect with anyone else who may be up. When team members in a single time zone are working while others are sleeping, collaboration tools help everyone stay on top of what has been done and what tasks remain.

Related: Why your business needs online video chat

4. Familiarize yourself with international and regional holidays

The time of day is one of many considerations when working across time zones. People in different time zones may have entirely different cultural expectations. It’s essential to be aware of holidays celebrated in various parts of the world, as these holidays can impact who is available to work and when. For example, the United States celebrates Labor Day in early September, and much of the world celebrates May Day on May 1st. By familiarizing yourself with these holidays, you can ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently despite any time zone differences.

5. Communicate effectively

Effective communication is crucial for teams working across time zones. With team members in different parts of the world, it can be challenging to ensure that everyone has the information they need and that there are no misunderstandings or miscommunications. To communicate effectively with team members working in different time zones, it’s vital to:

  • Plan for and iterate through what communication is working and what isn’t: Different teams and projects may require different communication strategies, so it’s important to be flexible and open to trying new approaches. Companies may experiment with different communication channels (such as chat apps, email, or video conferencing) or adjust meeting times to accommodate different time zones. Finding a workflow that works for everyone can take time, but that’s what teamwork is. 
  • Establish best practices for ensuring that all team members have the information they need: Following best practices might include creating shared documents or using project management software to keep track of tasks and progress. It could also involve holding regular check-ins or status updates to ensure everyone is on the same page. Employee feedback is important here. Everyone should have an easy way to communicate their difficulties and be empowered to do so.
  • Be mindful of time zone differences. When scheduling meetings or sending messages, consider the time zone of the team members you are communicating with. If necessary, use a time zone converter to find a meeting time that works for everyone. As discussed previously, be sure to include holidays across cultures in this calculation. The fewer key team members who can be actively involved in a conversation, the less effective it will be.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication. When working across time zones, it can be easy for misunderstandings to occur. Cultural and scheduling differences may make it difficult to ask for clarification. To minimize the risk of misunderstandings, be as clear and concise as possible in your communication. Avoid jargon or technical language that not everyone may be familiar with, and provide all necessary context and information.

To help keep everyone on the same page and productivity where it needs to be, go over the items on this checklist. If something about your remote work process doesn’t meet the topics on the list, take steps to improve them.

  • Clarity: Enter the meeting understanding of what you would like the attendees to take away, and communicate it clearly to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Complete and robust information: Be sure to provide all necessary information in your communication, including details about tasks, deadlines, and any needed resources or materials.
  • Access to files: Make sure all team members have access to the files and documents they need to do their work. Many companies use cloud storage services or shared drives to store and disseminate files and project management software that allows for file sharing and tracking tasks.
  • Alternative assignments: If a team member cannot complete a task due to time zone differences or other reasons, be sure to have alternative plans. Alternative options include having another team member in mind to pick up the task or finding an alternative solution to the problem.

Build trust across all teams, regardless of time zone, across all partners. 

Building trust across all teams is essential for success when working across time zones. Here are some things that can help build trust:

  • Focus on outcomes and productivity, and not hours worked: When working across time zones, it’s essential to focus on the results and productivity of team members rather than the number of hours they work. Giving team members the freedom and autonomy to work in a way that best fits their needs and schedule builds a better relationship with your employees.
  • Establish clear policies: Providing clear policies and guidelines can help to ensure smooth workflows and accurate delivery or completion of tasks. Ensure employees clearly understand what you expect of them, how they can succeed in their roles, and where they can go for support or help.
  • Have a clear roadmap/mission statement: A clear roadmap or mission statement can help to unite employees by establishing a shared vision and purpose for the team. Involving all team members in creating this roadmap or mission statement can foster a sense of ownership and commitment.

Embrace respect, empathy, and inclusion

Respect, empathy, and inclusion are essential for building trust, cultivating a positive and productive work environment, and working together effectively when collaborating across time zones.

Respect involves valuing diversity and treating everyone with dignity and consideration, regardless of their background, culture, or location. When team members feel respected and valued, they are more likely to trust their colleagues and feel safe in their work environment.

Empathy means understanding the feelings of others and their experience. When team members are empathetic towards one another, they are more likely to be able to understand and consider different perspectives and communicate more effectively.

Inclusion creates a culture where everyone feels welcome, regardless of background, culture, or location. By embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment, teams will work with a variety of inputs, perspectives, and opinions and generate more creative solutions.

Let Help

As we’ve seen, effective communication is at the root of several key factors in performing remote work across time zones a productive endeavor. Traditional phone lines are not helpful in this regard. Long-distance charges and carrier support issues make a better solution a requirement. offers high-quality VoIP phone service that works on any device. Contact us today to learn more about how can benefit your business.

Working across time zones is becoming more and more common as people continue to work from various locations worldwide. Remote work has become the biggest draw for top talent. The diversity this brings comes with new ideas, different points of view, and a range of benefits to companies. Companies must change the traditional way of doing things to succeed when working across time zones.

This post will discuss some of the best practices to communicate effectively and maintain productivity across time zones to maximize the benefits listed above.

Working across time zones

It’s now normal for people to work from all different locations worldwide. The availability of technology that allows people to stay connected and collaborate from anywhere has allowed for the proliferation of remote work. One of the most significant advantages of working across time zones is the diversity it brings to teams. When people from different parts of the world come together to work on a project, they bring their unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.

This diversity can spark new ideas and inspire creativity as team members bring different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making.   In addition to fostering creativity, diversity also gives teams other points of view that can help them see problems and opportunities from different angles. This can lead to more robust and well-rounded solutions and a better understanding of serving a diverse customer base.  

The best ways to manage work across time zones maximize the benefits while addressing the challenges that remote work and separate time zones bring.

Best practices

Working across time zones can present several challenges, but with the right approach and some best practices in place, it is possible to overcome these challenges and succeed in this type of work environment. This starts by focusing on three overarching best practices for managing remote work teams:

  • Connect efficiently: It’s vital to leverage technology and tools that allow seamless communication and collaboration when working across time zones. This might include chat apps, video conferencing software, and shared documents.
  • Communicate effectively: Effective communication is critical when working across time zones. Take the time to plan for and discuss what is and isn’t working, and establish best practices for ensuring that all team members have the information they need.
  • Collaborate elegantly: Collaborating when working across time zones requires building trust and fostering a positive and productive work environment. Organizations can achieve seamless collaboration by focusing on outcomes and productivity, clear policies, roadmap, and mission statement, and a commitment to respect, empathy, and inclusion.

Five tips to help you succeed

Understanding the best practices is only the first step. Once understood, you must put them into place. The following tips will help your company work more efficiently across time zones.

1. Understand time differences and accommodate as much as possible

Time differences can be a significant challenge when working in disparate locations. As such, it’s essential to understand the time differences and do what you can to accommodate them. Focus on scheduling meetings at times convenient for all team members or permitting them to work at times most comfortable for them.

Often, there is no time that’s convenient for all team members. The time zone differences simply don’t allow for it. When this case arises, it’s essential to try and mix up who gets inconvenienced. Nobody should feel as though they’re always getting the short end of the stick when they can avoid it.

2. Record and keep an archive of meetings

Video meetings have made it easy to connect with everyone around the world. But there will likely come a time when an organizer can’t schedule a meeting at a time everyone can attend. Those who miss the appointment will miss a significant opportunity to contribute to the team’s efforts. But they shouldn’t have to miss out entirely. For team members who can’t make it to a meeting due to time zone differences, it can be helpful to record the session and keep an archive of it. 

These recordings will be most helpful if everyone has easy access to them. The easiest way for a company to do this is to create a shared document on a service like Google Drive that links to all the recordings of all the team’s meetings. If your company is using specialized project management software, it may also have a convenient place to link to these recordings.

Related: Best Practices for Effective Video Meetings

3. Embrace technology and mobility

Embracing technology and mobility can be critical in helping teams work effectively across time zones. In today’s world, remote work makes sense. With high-speed internet, powerful laptops, and a range of collaboration and communication tools, teams can work together just as effectively from different locations as they would if they were all in the same office.

One of the ways that teams can leverage technology to work across time zones is by using chat apps and collaboration software. Chat apps such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat allow team members to communicate in real time, regardless of location. Collaboration and project management software such as Google Docs, Asana, and Trello enables teams to work on projects and documents together at different times, with the ability to see and track each other’s progress. 

Using these tools can help keep global employees on the same page and ensure everyone has the information they need to do their jobs. For example, if one team member is working on a project in a different time zone and has a question, they may use the chat app to connect with anyone else who may be up. When team members in a single time zone are working while others are sleeping, collaboration tools help everyone stay on top of what has been done and what tasks remain.

Related: Why your business needs online video chat

4. Familiarize yourself with international and regional holidays

The time of day is one of many considerations when working across time zones. People in different time zones may have entirely different cultural expectations. It’s essential to be aware of holidays celebrated in various parts of the world, as these holidays can impact who is available to work and when. For example, the United States celebrates Labor Day in early September, and much of the world celebrates May Day on May 1st. By familiarizing yourself with these holidays, you can ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently despite any time zone differences.

5. Communicate effectively

Effective communication is crucial for teams working across time zones. With team members in different parts of the world, it can be challenging to ensure that everyone has the information they need and that there are no misunderstandings or miscommunications. To communicate effectively with team members working in different time zones, it’s vital to:

  • Plan for and iterate through what communication is working and what isn’t: Different teams and projects may require different communication strategies, so it’s important to be flexible and open to trying new approaches. Companies may experiment with different communication channels (such as chat apps, email, or video conferencing) or adjust meeting times to accommodate different time zones. Finding a workflow that works for everyone can take time, but that’s what teamwork is. 
  • Establish best practices for ensuring that all team members have the information they need: Following best practices might include creating shared documents or using project management software to keep track of tasks and progress. It could also involve holding regular check-ins or status updates to ensure everyone is on the same page. Employee feedback is important here. Everyone should have an easy way to communicate their difficulties and be empowered to do so.
  • Be mindful of time zone differences. When scheduling meetings or sending messages, consider the time zone of the team members you are communicating with. If necessary, use a time zone converter to find a meeting time that works for everyone. As discussed previously, be sure to include holidays across cultures in this calculation. The fewer key team members who can be actively involved in a conversation, the less effective it will be.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication. When working across time zones, it can be easy for misunderstandings to occur. Cultural and scheduling differences may make it difficult to ask for clarification. To minimize the risk of misunderstandings, be as clear and concise as possible in your communication. Avoid jargon or technical language that not everyone may be familiar with, and provide all necessary context and information.

To help keep everyone on the same page and productivity where it needs to be, go over the items on this checklist. If something about your remote work process doesn’t meet the topics on the list, take steps to improve them.

  • Clarity: Enter the meeting understanding of what you would like the attendees to take away, and communicate it clearly to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Complete and robust information: Be sure to provide all necessary information in your communication, including details about tasks, deadlines, and any needed resources or materials.
  • Access to files: Make sure all team members have access to the files and documents they need to do their work. Many companies use cloud storage services or shared drives to store and disseminate files and project management software that allows for file sharing and tracking tasks.
  • Alternative assignments: If a team member cannot complete a task due to time zone differences or other reasons, be sure to have alternative plans. Alternative options include having another team member in mind to pick up the task or finding an alternative solution to the problem.

Build trust across all teams, regardless of time zone, across all partners. 

Building trust across all teams is essential for success when working across time zones. Here are some things that can help build trust:

  • Focus on outcomes and productivity, and not hours worked: When working across time zones, it’s essential to focus on the results and productivity of team members rather than the number of hours they work. Giving team members the freedom and autonomy to work in a way that best fits their needs and schedule builds a better relationship with your employees.
  • Establish clear policies: Providing clear policies and guidelines can help to ensure smooth workflows and accurate delivery or completion of tasks. Ensure employees clearly understand what you expect of them, how they can succeed in their roles, and where they can go for support or help.
  • Have a clear roadmap/mission statement: A clear roadmap or mission statement can help to unite employees by establishing a shared vision and purpose for the team. Involving all team members in creating this roadmap or mission statement can foster a sense of ownership and commitment.

Embrace respect, empathy, and inclusion

Respect, empathy, and inclusion are essential for building trust, cultivating a positive and productive work environment, and working together effectively when collaborating across time zones.

Respect involves valuing diversity and treating everyone with dignity and consideration, regardless of their background, culture, or location. When team members feel respected and valued, they are more likely to trust their colleagues and feel safe in their work environment.

Empathy means understanding the feelings of others and their experience. When team members are empathetic towards one another, they are more likely to be able to understand and consider different perspectives and communicate more effectively.

Inclusion creates a culture where everyone feels welcome, regardless of background, culture, or location. By embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment, teams will work with a variety of inputs, perspectives, and opinions and generate more creative solutions.

Let Help

As we’ve seen, effective communication is at the root of several key factors in performing remote work across time zones a productive endeavor. Traditional phone lines are not helpful in this regard. Long-distance charges and carrier support issues make a better solution a requirement. offers high-quality VoIP phone service that works on any device. Contact us today to learn more about how can benefit your business.


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