
1.  FAQ

What are inboxes?

Inboxes are like “buckets” where saves messages, voicemails, missed calls and faxes.  Depending what inbox your looking at, you’ll be able to see and respond to different messages or voicemails, that are mean’t e.g. for you personally, for your team or for the company as a whole.

“My Inbox” is your personal inbox where all the data shown is just meant for you personally. It’s your private messages and voicemails.

“Company Inbox” is where things sent for the company general mailbox are sent, and anyone can read or respond to these communications.   The company inbox is great if your like a small company and everyone works from the same context.

Can I see what is in the inbox of other users?

The Admin user can see what is in other users inboxes by using our Control Panel tool and navigating to the Extension menu then clicking on the Inbox item next to the extension of the user they wish to look at.

Regular users do not have access to other users inboxes (but they can access the company inbox).

2.  My Inbox

Your inbox is your personal inbox where all the data shown is just meant for you personally. It’s your private messages and voicemails.

You should respond and process any new messages from your inbox.

1.  Company Inbox

The Company Inbox is where things sent for the company general mailbox are sent, and anyone can read or respond to these communications.   The company inbox is great if you’re like a small company and everyone works from the same context.  

Using the Company Inbox

To send messages or calls to the company inbox, simply select the “Company Inbox” when you configure your phone number, learn how to configure numbers here.

Accessing the Company Inbox

To access the company inbox, first go to on your favorite browser, then select Company Inbox:


Company inbox


Note that accessing the company inbox will open up a new tab in your browser. This way you can have both your inbox and that of the company opened at the same time in your browser.

Configuring the company voicemail message

In order to use your company inbox as a shared environment where anyone can work from, you should first configure your default company voicemail message.   The company voicemail message is what will play when people leave a voicemail in your company inbox.

To configure the company voicemail message, follow instructions for the Company Inbox in the Company settings.


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